Risk Star Wars Edition Game
Star Wars Risk Board Game Version
The Star Wars Risk Board Game Edition lets players re-create the dramatic final moments of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

The Mission
There are 3 battles going on simultaneously: the attack on the Death Star, the shield assault, and the battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Opponents choose to either be a Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire player. The mission of the Rebel player is to destroy the Death Star, but first they must destroy the shield generator protecting it on Endor. The Rebel player must be careful that the Emperor and Darth Vader don’t destroy Luke, though, as that will tilt the game to the dark side.
The Empire player’s mission is to defeat all Rebel ships before they destroy the Death Star. The Empire player must stop the Rebels from destroying the shield generator, and make sure Luke doesn’t destroy Darth Vader. ..or worse, redeem him and strengthen the Rebels’ assault.

BUY The Star Wars Edition of the Risk Board Game HERE
Defend or Destroy the Death Star
Star Wars Edition game is played in rounds. Players take turns giving their orders.
The space battle is key to the game, determining who wins. Rebel and Imperial ships collide as the Rebels seek to destroy the Death Star and the Empire strives to defend it.
The battlefield is divided into different sectors with the Death Star at the center. In order to attack the Death Star, the Rebels must first lower the shield protecting it by destroying the shield generator on planet Endor.
The Empire must strive to protect the Death Star from its attackers. No matter which side is victorious, the game is sure to be filled with action and adventure.

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Choose to Play a 2 or 4-Player Game
Includes 3 gameboard pieces, 20 X-wings, 16 Y-wings, 15 B-wings, 56 TIE fighters, 6 Rebel fleet markers, Millennium Falcon token, Executor token, 4 hit tokens, 9 Stormtrooper tokens, Rebel Strike Team token, 30 Empire order cards, 30 Rebel order cards, 5 dice, and instruction

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Comments from Others who have bought the game
Don’t let the name trick you, it isn’t really a risk game even tho there is also a lot of dice chucking.
It’s a 2 player game where you are reviving the climatic point of Return of the Jedi. You take the place of either the rebels or the empire, fight by placing orders cards which are then resolved by turns, but it isn’t really like programming your actions because each card give two or three actions to choose when you resolve it.
I enjoyed playing several rounds of this with some friends recently, but it isn’t very much like Risk at all. Plus, it’s only for 2 or 4 players, and really just for 2 players.
It all works by playing three cards and choosing one option per card. These options let you play in one of the three battles. Bonus cards are granted to whoever takes out the Jedi first, so that tends to be the first focus of the game. Then you start working on Endor, then the space battles start up.
I found this game to be geared toward the rebels winning. We played several rounds and the empire lost every time, so it seems like there are some balance issues here. A whole session can be played in @ 30 minutes, so it’s fun to blaze through and start over by switching sides. In the end, I still enjoyed this game but luck of the card draw and dice rolls tend to be more of a factor than any real strategy.

BUY The Star Wars Edition of the Risk Board Game HERE
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